Established 2002
„Back in 2002 I purchased my very first half-bred horse.
That’s when I established my ranch located next to the old
traditional Hungarian village called Kaskantyú. Since 2006 I’ve
been breeding and training pure-bred Quarter Horses.”
Szabó Attila

sz. quarter ranch
Our Horses

Quarter horse
Quarter Horse is an American breed of horse. The
breed developed from horses descended from Spain and in the 1600s colonists began to cross with imported English Thoroughbred horses. Its name came from its ability to outdistance other horse breeds in races of a quarter mile or less. QH has s the largest breed registry in the world. The compact, well muscled, very harmonious body of the Quarter Horse is well-suited to the intricate and speedy maneuvers required in the show pen today combined with calm temperament, love of work, intelligence and diligence, discipline, hard work. Raising and feeding is simple under general conditions. Ideal show horse, great for work and hobby.
The Quarter Horse has a small, short, refined head with a straight profile, and a strong, well-muscled body, featuring a broad chest and powerful, rounded hindquarters. The Quarter Horse has a muscular neck, deep chest, sloping shoulders, and a relatively small head with wide eyes and pointed ears (which are always alert). They usually stand between 142 and 163 cm high (14 and 16 hands; 56 and 64 inches), although some type of horses may grow even taller. Its legs are muscular and firm; however, the horse’s feet have been described as too small for the animal’s muscle size. Because of this, the Quarter Horse is said to look rather chunky.
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